8 August 2008

The adventure continues

Last week's exercise invited LIS bloggers to search the web and find a web 2.0 tool to introduce you colleagues. The list below are the blog posts of sites that you can explore....discover.... play!

1. Bibliophile - this exercise takes you to the site eBookee
2. Bibliothekia - this exercise takes you to the site Tangler

30 July 2008

Beyond #46 - My Web 2.0

This week's exercise is to recommend a web 2.0 site for others to explore. This could be a social networking site, a new wiki that you think is innovative, a library website that demonstrates how web 2.0 can be used in library services or anything else you think your colleagues should see.

Your blog post this week should include the details of the site, why it is relevant to librarians and also recommend a few exercises for others to explore and blog about.

Over the next few weeks the learning activities will be to visit an LIS blog and complete the recommended tasks.

Some ideas for finding a site to share:

  • Go back to discovery exercise 19 and look at some of the sites on the web 2.0 awards list
  • Look at other library blogs and wiki's for ideas
  • Have you recently read an article on library 2.0 that you would like to start a discussion about?
  • Browse the Learning 2.1 Explore - Discover - Play blog for more ideas. Guest bloggers were invited to share their sites with others the same way this exercise is about sharing. Are there any sites on this list that you recommend?

9 July 2008

Thing #46: Updates

We began our Learning 2.0 journey in 2007 and discovered many new Web 2.0 technologies. As change is the only constant on the internet, for the next two weeks, our discovery exercise will be to revisit some of the original 23 things.

Go back and check up on some of your favourite sites from the Learning 2.0 program, find out if there have been any changes and blog about your experience.

Have fun!!

3 July 2008

Thing #45: Go with the flow - flowcharts & mindmaps

Flowcharts offer a graphical or symbolic representation of a process and make it easier to understand concepts and recognise relationships between the interactions. Mind maps on the other hand are useful at uncovering the relationships between multiple ideas and are not bound by linear concepts such as time and work flow.

For this week's exercise, set up account for one online flowchart site and one mindmap site and try out the tools for yourself.

Flowchart sites

Mind map sites

Have fun!!

26 June 2008

Thing #44: Nag yourself

This week's discovery exercise is about Jott.com - an interesting message service using US phone numbers. As we are not able to use this service in Australia, remember that this will be a READ ONLY exercise this week.

Hence, a great opportunity to catch up on the latest Learning 2.1 discovery exercises if you haven't completed the most recent activities.

Have fun!!

19 June 2008

Thing #42: Google Groups / Usenet

Back in the "old days" when many of us were finding our feet with the internet, electronic bulletin boards on Usenet or Newsgroups were a great resource for locating expert information.

Google Groups has resurrected the Usenet archive and this week's discovery exercise is all about discovering the Google Groups site Society.libraries.talk

Have fun!

12 June 2008

Thing #39: Animoto

Animoto allows you to create professional video clips online.
If you don't like the finished product - just click the Remix button and Animoto automatically changes it for you or you can tweak it yourself.

For this week's discovery exercise, sign up for an
account to create a 30 second clip or Animoto Short.
1. Upload 10 or more pictures - you can use your Flickr account if you like.
2. Select a song from Animoto's music library or upload your own music file.
3. Embed your new 30 second clip into your blog and write about your experience.

Have fun!!

29 May 2008

Thing #35: Mini or micro blogging

Mini or micro blogging allows users to write brief text updates (usually less than 200 characters) and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messaging, instant messaging, email, MP3 or the web.

For this exercise you will be playing with the most popular microblogging service. Go to Twitter and set up an account. Here you can post messages (known as "tweets"), find a few friends to "follow" and finally, remember to write a blog post about your experience.

Have fun!!

22 May 2008

Thing #32: Online file storage

This week’s exercise is to look at the file storage site Omnidrive – however, this site is currently in Beta and has reached its capacity for registered users. To find out more about this site and register your interest in getting an account in the future, take a look at the product overview

An alternative online file storage site we will explore is Box.net
Box is a free site that lets you upload any type of file (documents, photos, spreadsheets, videos etc) then share and collaborate with others. You can use Box to store files then access them anywhere and by registering for a free account you will have access to range of document and image editing tools, all from one site.

The discovery exercises for this week are:
1. Open an account at Box
2. Upload a text document and try editing using Zoho (OpenBox Services)
3. Upload an image and try editing using picnik photo editor (OpenBox Services)
4. Go to the Services tab and see what other services are available to add to your Box account
5. Add the Blog posting service and post a file to your blog

15 May 2008

Thing 31: Get Organized with Plaxo

Plaxo will automatically pull your contacts and events from any of the programs that you choose to help you stay in touch. Plaxo helps you to get organised and share your calendar with anyone you choose. Take a tour of Plaxo to find out more.

The exercises for this week are to create an account with Plaxo and discover some of the features such as adding events, creating categories, and subscribing to a schedule.

Remember to create a blog post about Plaxo and consider if this can be of use to you at work – sharing task lists with your team for example.

As always, have fun!

8 May 2008

Thing #29: Scrapblog - I'm in Love

Scrapblog allows you to combine your photos, videos, audio and personal messages to create amazing multimedia online scrapbooks

For this discovery exercise, create a new Scrapblog about your favorite book or books. Blog about your experience and the potential ways you might use the service and in particular, any features which may be incorporated into eLibrary.

Have fun!!

24 April 2008

Thing #27: Photobucket

We learned all about the photosharing site Flickr as part of the Learning 2.0 - Learning 23 things program.

Like Flickr, Photobucket is a photo sharing website, but it also lets you share other kinds of images such as videos and animations. In this exercise you will create an account - remember to record the login details - and add your own photos, create slide shows and avatars or remix videos, then blog about your experience.

Have fun!!

8 April 2008

Catch up week

Learning 2.1 - the adventure continues
With the upcoming ANZAC day public holiday and a shorter working week, it is an opportunity to have a "catch-up" week with Learning 2.1. If you are just starting out with the exercises, this is a great time to power ahead with Zamzar, Letterpop and Widgets.

Are you having trouble with inserting a link from your Letterpop.com newsletter to your blog? The following tips may help you.
1. Create a free account on Letterpop, then design and save your newsletter.
2. Publish the newsletter and ensure you make it "public". If you leave it as "private", the URL inserted into your blog will not work.
Have a look at an example of a linked Newsletter on a blog.
If by chance the newsletter URL will still not attach, try saving the Letterpop newsletter you created as a .JPG image and insert it directly into your blog.

Need some inspiration?
Are you needing a little inspiration to continue your learning journey? Check out what your LIS colleagues are saying about Learning 2.1 on their blogs:
Big Blue
Literary Wolf
Coal City Girl
Home Sweet Home
Ants Blog
Winsome Walking Wenches
Moving with the times

Learning 2.0 - learning 23 things
If you are continuing with the 'learning 23 things' program, keep up the good work. LIS blogs are being monitored and you will find comments from the administator about your progress.

Thing #26: Widgets - little bits of the internet on your dektop

Widgets are bite-sized interactive programs which allow you to quickly access commonly used information - for instance weather updates, calendars, time - from the desktop.

Explore the gallery of widgets available at YourMinis and write about your experience in your blog.

Thing #25: Letterpop.com - newsletters

With Letterpop.com you can create professional looking newsletters in no time at all.

Your discovery exercise this week is to play around with LetterPop.com and mock up a newsletter or announcement of your own. Select from a range of interesting templates and design your own creation to include in your blog and share with LIS colleagues.

Have fun!!

4 April 2008

Thing #24: Zamzar - file conversion

Using Zamzar.com you can convert files to different file formats – no software installation or download required.

This website offers on-the-fly conversion of text, image, audio and video file formats and the best thing about the site is that you don't even need a login to convert. Simply browse for your file, select the new format type and it does the magic and even emails the results to you.

Learn all about file conversion and work through the discovery exercise.

PLEASE NOTE: If the link to Zamzar from the PLCMC website is being blocked, insert the URL www.zamzar.com directly into your browser. This definitely works from the desktop.

Have fun!!!

Learning 2.1 - the adventure continues

This blog has been set up to chart your progress in the 'Learning 2.1'program.

Discovery has never been so much fun ...
Commencing on Monday 7 April 2008, LIS is once again embarking on a Web 2.0 journey of discovery with the Learning 2.1 program. This is a continuation of the popular Learning 2.0 -' Learning 23 things' online discovery program and will run for approximately 12 weeks. Each participant will continue to use their own blog - accessible from the Participants Blog - to record ideas, experiences and learning.

Please head up each blog post with the 'Thing' you are addressing eg. Thing #24 Zamzar.

Feel free to comment and add your own tips, hints and discoveries to this blog.

If you need assistance with any aspect of the program please contact either Angela or Vanessa.