Are YOU ready to get stuck into 'Thing #3 ?
Two simple things to do:

- Set up your Blog and create your first Post.
- Send and email to both Angela and Vanessa with the details of your blog. Make sure you include both your blog name and your blog's URL.
'PLCMC Learning 2.0 Blog'
A podcast will get you started.
A couple of useful Tips!
- You can use any email address to set up a Blog in Blogger. It is not necessary to set up a Gmail account to create a Blog.
- Write down the details from your 'Create Account' or print out this page.
Help for remembering your login and password.
- When registering your Blog: Cut and paste the url (address) into the email you are sending to Angela and Vanessa.
- As you address each 'Thing' please make this the title of your post. eg. #5 Flickr
Once you have registered your Blog it will be listed on the ATO Participants Blog, a good place to gain inspiration and support each other via the comments section in the individual blogs.
Have fun and don't forget to PLAY!!