Learning 2.1 - the adventure continues
With the upcoming ANZAC day public holiday and a shorter working week, it is an opportunity to have a "catch-up" week with Learning 2.1. If you are just starting out with the exercises, this is a great time to power ahead with Zamzar, Letterpop and Widgets.
Are you having trouble with inserting a link from your Letterpop.com newsletter to your blog? The following tips may help you.
1. Create a free account on Letterpop, then design and save your newsletter.
2. Publish the newsletter and ensure you make it "public". If you leave it as "private", the URL inserted into your blog will not work.
Have a look at an example of a linked Newsletter on a blog.
If by chance the newsletter URL will still not attach, try saving the Letterpop newsletter you created as a .JPG image and insert it directly into your blog.
Need some inspiration?
Are you needing a little inspiration to continue your learning journey? Check out what your LIS colleagues are saying about Learning 2.1 on their blogs:
Big Blue
Literary Wolf
Coal City Girl
Home Sweet Home
Ants Blog
Winsome Walking Wenches
Moving with the times
Learning 2.0 - learning 23 things
If you are continuing with the 'learning 23 things' program, keep up the good work. LIS blogs are being monitored and you will find comments from the administator about your progress.
8 April 2008
Thing #26: Widgets - little bits of the internet on your dektop

Widgets are bite-sized interactive programs which allow you to quickly access commonly used information - for instance weather updates, calendars, time - from the desktop.
Explore the gallery of widgets available at YourMinis and write about your experience in your blog.
Thing #25: Letterpop.com - newsletters
With Letterpop.com you can create professional looking newsletters in no time at all. .bmp)
Your discovery exercise this week is to play around with LetterPop.com and mock up a newsletter or announcement of your own. Select from a range of interesting templates and design your own creation to include in your blog and share with LIS colleagues.
Have fun!!
Your discovery exercise this week is to play around with LetterPop.com and mock up a newsletter or announcement of your own. Select from a range of interesting templates and design your own creation to include in your blog and share with LIS colleagues.
Have fun!!
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